Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Wow, I've gotten slow.  I attempted a tempo run this morning.  So, I knew that I wouldn't be cranking out 6:30 tempo runs like I was doing in prep for the Country Music Marathon.  That just wasn't a realistic expectation because I took what amounted to about 5 weeks off and because it is STINKING HOT!  So I opted for a more modest 7:00 pace.

I was struggling after 2 miles at that pace.  Really.  Struggling.  But I made it 3 miles at about a 6:55 overall pace. But I couldn't have maintained that for much longer.  I have work to do.  I'm pretty sure that I need to give up on 3:00 this year. It just doesn't seem realistic at this point.

I was glad to have Matt there to endure the misery with me.


Anonymous said...

Saw you this morning....Jon and I were getting gas at Jiffy's as you ran by...we had just finished up....and you are correct....it was brutal this morning!


rundanrun said...

Heat and humidity, my pace is off also. I am counting on a bounce when weather cools off. Gut it out now and it will payoff this fall with some good times, at least this is what I hope.