Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Was That Fall?

Wow, this morning felt great. It's the week of the first college football games. Fall must be near. It was a cool 57 degrees this morning. I could not believe the pep that the cooler temps put into my step. Wow.

I met my good buddy Matt at the track for a 2x 2 miles at tempo pace followed by 4x 400m at repetition pace. What a beautiful morning to run fast. And, to think, I had to talk myself out of bed this morning. Boy am I glad I did!

The 2 milers were 13:02 and 12:37. I could not believe how easy that felt. I definitely should have run that first 2 miler faster, but I was trying to stay in control. The cool weather just felt so good! I sure hope that enduring these miserable midday 95+ degree runs will pay off this fall!

I ran the 400s at 78, 78, 78, and 76. Those didn't feel easy, but I could have done 3 or 4 more. I was really reining myself in today.


rundanrun said...

I call it the fall bounce... I rode the bike this AM and it was brisk till I got warmed up.

Dana said...

"fall bounce" I like that...yes, this morning was HEAVEN!! I can't wait to see what my pace will look like in a month (especially considering I'm starting full blown marathon training complete with Speedwork with Sean every Wednesday!!) :D