Thursday, July 23, 2009


I planned to do 10-12 miles this morning. I could feel Tuesday's tempo run. I didn't want to get out of bed. I wasn't ready to start when Matt showed up. I hoped he wouldn't come. I was struggling. But he showed up.

It was a struggle just to get started. It took us near 10 minutes to cover the first mile! But soon after that, we hit a 8:15 groove. After about 5 miles I figured it was as good a time as any to do some marathon pace miles. Those three MP miles were harder than I expected, but so was the entire run today. So, I don't read too much into that. Then we held on for about an 8:15 pace for the rest of the run home.

9.75 total miles with 3 miles at marathon pace. Just a little more humid than comfortable, but still bearable weather.

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